
The Reform Child Support NOW! Movement, LLC d.b.a Kenya N. Rahmaan is not an attorney. I am a former child support reform advocate. Using my information or services is done so at the discretion of the individual. I am not liable for any outcomes resulting from the use of my information communicated through our social media pages and website or written or verbal to another person intending to assist with a child support case. While I always try to provide the most current and factual information possible, I make no explicit claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, and adequacy of the contents of our website and expressly disclaim liability for errors and omissions in the contents of this site.

Every child support case is different and will, therefore, yield different (some positive and some negative) results. I make no guarantees of a favorable outcome when utilizing my information and or services while attempting to challenge any part of a child support case. All content is subject to copyright and may not be reproduced in any form without the author’s express written consent. Comments published on any of our social media sites and/or web pages are the author’s sole responsibility.

I have the right to refuse service, gather personal information, share child support case information (personal information i.e., case number, names, social security numbers, etc. excluded) in an effort to educate the public about child support reform, terminate any working relationship for any reason at the discretion of myself or any others operating in behalf of The Reform Child Support NOW! Movement, LLC. Feel free to contact Kenya N. Rahmaan at (614) 653-8407 or cshustle1@gmail.com for permission to use any copyrighted material.

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